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Log #3

Hello everyone! Welcome back to another DevLog! It’s been a while, other things have kind of taken over, and I’ve not had that much time to work on my current project, Flappy Disk, let alone blogging. Also, the DevLog has had a makeover! Instead of the garbage default WordPress blog theme, I managed to use my theme plugin that I use all over DavidGameCo, and it looks so much better. Unfortunately, due to WordPress limitations, I can’t change all of the blog, but, hey, it’s a start.

I’m going off on a tangent.

So, Flappy Disk.

Since the last log, things have taken a FULL 180. Thanks of the help from a friend of mine and fellow subscriber, Wadera, they helped me sort out whatever the hell I did to make 1 point equal to 3 coins and 5 points equal to 16.

Yeah, don’t ask me about that.

Anyhow, they used THE POWER OF DEBUGGING AND LOGGING to help me fix it. And it’s gone great! I seriously can’t thank them enough, as I actually almost scrapped it. I’ve added a High-Score system that I’m planning to integrate into Google Play Games in the future, but just by reading the introduction of the API, well, I don’t like networking mumbo jumbo. Next up on my agenda is A) squashing any bugs that crop up, B) get a save system working (which I’m very close!) and C) get the shop all up and operational. Those are the 3 main concerns I’m working towards with Flappy Disk. I still have no clue what I’m going to start on with my next project. Maybe.. oh, I don’t know, a revolutionary idle game that’ll have at least more than 22 downloads. Of which 19 of them have been uninstalled. Yay(!). All jokes aside, I’m even happy to get even more than one download, I guess word of mouth goes a long way, and now I’m known as “that guy who makes games” at school. Better than nothing, right?

 Also, if there is anything about flappy disk you want to let me know about, (other than obviously the bugs mentioned above) or anything you want to ask to include in a future update of Flappy Disk, do let me know at

That’s it for this log, I’ll catch you in the next one. Stay safe!