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Flappy Disk Rebuilt

What’s going on?

Flappy Disk, our first completed game, is being rebuilt. This is our current project. We are thrilled to be able to tell you about this so early on in the process! Learn more below.

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Why is this happening?

We thought we left Flappy Disk in a half-baked state, and most of the features that were planned to be in it were not implemented in the final version. This left us quite dissappointed with it, and as we thought we had lost the source code, we couldn’t do much.

How is this happening?

We found an old repository with our source code in quite a broken state, so we only downloaded the assets, including the scripts and sprites, and worked our way up from there!

What's coming to the new version?

The new version will bring a whole suite of new features, including a shop, new graphics, more and exciting ways to earn coins and different modes. The shop is currently under most development, as our designers are hard at work making all the graphics for it and our devs are working on the technical part of it.

Will all my progress be kept?

Yes! As it’s going to act as one big update, and we’ve kept all the save files the same on our end, everything should transfer over seamlessly. We’ve yet to see any issues on our end, but if you spot anything, feel free to contact us anywhere.

Will flappy disk come to ios?

No.. Not in the forseeable future at least. We’ve tried, however Apple’s, frankly, idiotic and uncoordinated review processes are impossible to work with. We also had to get our hands on a Mac to even try to build to iOS and that was messy in it’s own way. A devlog may come soon outlining the stupid ways to build to iOS.

How can I give feedback?

The most effective way to give feedback is to do it on our forum! If it’s a bug, you can submit a bug report with the dedicated button in Flappy Disk, or by clicking here. Make sure to follow the template provided to ensure we can fix your issue as soon as possible.

If it’s general feedback, you can still do it in the same place, just list it under the “Ideas / Feedback” category – it helps us out a lot!

Release Notes & Recent Patches

Flappy Disk Patch 1.1 Patch Notes
  • Added localisation to 2 different languages, Italian and French
  • New in-house music added.
Flappy Disk Release 1.0 Patch Notes
  • Compliant with new Google Play API rules
  • Trimmed unfinished features. (they’re coming soon, we promise!)
Flappy Disk Beta 4.4.1 Patch Notes
  •  Fixed bug in which score was not earnt due to an Android Vibration permission error (how did we not see this)
Flappy Disk Beta 4.4 Patch Notes
  • Fixed bug in which coins would not save on exit.
  • Finalised UI changes


Patch 1.1


Release 1.0


Beta 4.4.1


Beta 4.4


Beta 4.3